Free Guide: 6 Fibonacci Types that Create the Most Precise Price Targets and Reversal Zones

FAANG Stocks for Halloween?

If you've never heard of the FAANG basket of stocks it's likely you have heard of the companies that it is made up of.

FANG is the acronym for four high-performing technology stocks in the market – Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet, Inc.). 

The basket of stocks was originally named FANG, when CNBC's Jim Cramer coined the term back on February of 2013.  Apple was added by investors around two years later, forming the FAANG basket.

FAANG stocks seem to get the most attention around earnings season and anytime the markets make a wide swing either up or down.

Maybe you have a favorite FAANG stock, we don't.  But we do like to follow each chart as earnings announcements tend to fill levels that we've been anticipating and we think this earnings season won't disappoint on that front.

Here is each chart with levels that seem to have historical significance.  This is neither a recommendation to buy or sell but simply some information to digest.  We'd love to get your thoughts.


Facebook free TOS link

Facebook stock chart

Apple free TOS link

Apple stock chart

Amazon free TOS link

Amazon stock chart

Netflix free TOS link

Netflix stock chart

 Google free TOS link

Google stock chart


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