CASE STUDY: Trying to Pass Your Funded Trading Challenge?
ChartPros is a Market Education & Services Leader for Day or Swing Traders looking to supplement their income or even better, Quit Your Day Job! We teach price action charting for Futures, Forex, Equities, Commodities, Crypto (Bitcoin), Options etc using precision focused Technical Analysis. We don't sell signals or indicators but we can provide you the tools to be more confident and consistent with your trading results.
Since 2019 over 25,000+ traders have benefited from ChartPros... will you be next?
Vince Koehn, a long time ChartPros member talks about his success with Apex Trader Funding program.
"My introduction to the futures markets began with ChartPros. Their Price Action Mastery Certification Course is still the bedrock of my strategy. In fact, when I get distracted, I go back and rewatch the course. The simple support, resistance, trend, Fibonacci and how to build out confluence taught in their course is timeless." ~ Vince Koehn, Million Dollar Day Trader
Give a trader a signal and they’ll profit for a day; teach a trader Price Action and Risk Management and they can profit for a lifetime…
Our *BEST SELLING* course is the Price Action Mastery Certification course and we are the only training firm that offers an Advanced Fibonacci trading course that teaches traders how to identify institutional algorithms using advanced fibonacci strategies not revealed before to retail traders.
Our *MOST POPULAR COURSE* is Introduction to Price Action Trading. A $499 value available for only $49 this week!!
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Funded Accounts
Funded trading accounts offer the best of both worlds. You can make money doing something you love while at the same time not risking any of your capital. There are plenty of programs to choose from but without exception all of them have a "challenge" that you need to pass. And they all come with associated fees.
They make it sound easy to pass the challenge but then reality sets in... and if you're one of the lucky ones who makes it through to a funded account most of them seemingly stack the odds against you. Some traders even complain that it's not fair, but hey, it is their money...
We frequently get asked about various funded trading programs and we've reviewed plenty of them but historically never participated in or recommended any of them.
Until recently.
We reviewed, participated in, passed, and actively trade a funded account with Apex Trader Funding that launched in the fall of 2021. In fact, Apex is the only funded trader program we recommend and trade.
Their challenge / evaluation account was relatively easy to pass and they stated that over 5000 new accounts were created during their first month.
They have a variety of account sizes to choose from all that come with associated fees and constraints. But the fee structure is reasonable and we didn't feel like the system was out to fail traders just to churn fees like many others out there seemingly do.
If you're considering a funded trading program Apex Trader Funding is one that we suggest you try.
Here are the reasons why:
- Receive 100% of the first $25,000 in profits per Account and 90% Beyond That
- Qualify in as Little as 7 Days
- Two Payouts per Month
- Trade Full-Sized Contracts in Evaluations or Funded Accounts
- No Scaling or Failing by Going Over Contract Size
- No Daily Drawdowns
- Trade on Holidays
- Trade Your Normal Day to Day Strategy or System During The News
- No Total Cap on Maximum Payout
- One-Step Evaluation Process
- Real-Time Data Included
- Simple Risk Management Rules
- Trade With Multiple Accounts up to 20 max
You can use promo code chartpros to save 50% off your evaluation account challenge.

If you've struggled to pass an evaluation account or would like assistance in passing a funded trader challenge then you may want to consider enrolling in our MOST POPULAR Course How to Trade Price Action using Support/Resistance and Trend which is the strategy we used to pass the challenge!
We have a variety of courses designed for beginners to advanced traders. Some are free and some for a fee.
Not sure where to start? Take our Trader Readiness Assessment
We're confident that ChartPros can help build your confidence and consistency as a trader.
After all, isn't that what we all desire?
~ Tom Winterstein
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ChartPros is an approved Apex Trader Funding Education Partner. Use promo code apex15 to save 15% on any course!
How to Trade Price Action using Support/Resistance and Trend
Price Action Mastery Certification Course
Performance Coaching and Mentoring