ChartPros Market Insights
Technical Analysis or News?
Remember the recent doom and gloom headlines?
There's been a long running debate between the technical analysis chartists and the fundamentalists and both sides can make their case for being "right". Both sides often think that their way is best and the other side is full of you know what...
Since no one can predict the future how did the recent economic news data this past week "cause" the markets to surge like they did?
Which side are you on? Get the "INSIDE scoop!"
CASE STUDY: Trying to Pass Your Funded Trading Challenge?
We frequently get asked about various funded trading programs and we've reviewed plenty of them but historically never participated in or recommended any of them.
Until recently.
All Time Highs - to trade or not trade webinar replay
Learn the top strategies for trading all time highs and managing risk.
Many equities and indexes are at or near their tops. Trading all time highs (ATH) can be a risky proposition because there is less historical data available at these levels.
Join ChartPros for this informative and potentially money making/saving FREE webinar replay to help boost your trading confidence, consistency, and trading results.
August 5 Chart of the Day - USD/JPY
Why did the global markets drop sharply today? What does it have to do with Japan?
And what is a "carry trade?"
It turns out those questions are all closely related so we'll address them and review the USD/JPY foreign exchange pair from a price action technical analysis perspective.
What is a "Black Swan Event" and How the Next One Could Shake the Financial World (again)
The term "Black Swan" denotes an unexpected financial crisis with profound consequences, merging extreme rarity with a significant impact on stock markets and risk management.
It’s often stated that “history repeats itself.”
Get the inside scoop on how to plan for the best but prepare for the worst.
July 12 Chart of the Day - VIX
The Volatility Index (VIX) moves inversely to the indices and can often be an indicator of upcoming market moves...
Join us as we walk you through the specific details of the correlation between the VIX and the rest of the market and how to incorporate this relationship into your trading style to increase confidence and consistency!
Get Your FREE VIX Trade Entry Timing Course Today!
I NEVER Believed in Technical Analysis Until I Realized This...
When I was in MBA school back in the late 1980s (yeah that's me back then long before gray hair) it was drilled into me that a company’s stock price was always tied to its financial statements. You know, Profit and Loss statements, Balance Sheets, etc and all that fancy financial lingo.
And so I went through much of my early adult life not really ever knowing otherwise. But along the way I had heard of this “technical analysis” stuff but considered it something like voodoo or witchcraft because as far as I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the fundamentals of a company’s financial performance.
Is the S&P 500 Bear Market Over?
By definition, a bear market is when price drops 20% or more from its recent or all time highs. So for the S&P 500 ticker /ES one could say that technically speaking the bear market is over because price is now approximately 15% off the all time high set back in October 2021.
But is the recent run up simply a "Bear Market Rally" or are the bulls firmly back in charge gunning for new all time highs? See this before your next trade!
S&P 500 Market - Higher Timeframe Technical Analysis
New Year Resolutions for Traders
But what about your trading? Have you made resolutions before? Like have more discipline? More patience? Stop chasing trades? Some may even consider quitting trading altogether? Read more...
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S&P 500 (/ES) Weekly Chart
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